Hawai‘i Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
The Hawai‘i ADRC helps older adults, individuals with disabilities, and family caregivers find options for long term supports and services available to them in the State of Hawai‘i.
Voice: (808) 643-ADRC (808-643-2372)
TTY (808) 643-0889
About ADRC & Contact Information
The Executive Office on Aging (EOA) is the designated lead state agency in the coordination of a statewide system of aging and family caregiver support services in the State of Hawaii, as authorized by federal and state laws. EOA works with the four county Area Agencies on Aging to enable older adults to live in their own home for as long as possible.

Executive Office on Aging
No.1 Capitol District
250 South Hotel Street, Suite 406
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-2831
Phone: (808) 586-0100
FAX: (808) 586-0185
Email: adrc@doh.hawaii.gov
Hawaii County
Kahi Malama – A Place of Caring
Aging & Disability Resource Center
1055 Kinoole Street
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Hilo – (808) 961-8626
Kona – (808) 323-4390
FAX: (808) 961-8603
Email: hcoa@hawaiiantel.net
Honolulu County
Elderly Affairs Division
925 Dillingham Blvd., Suite 200
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Phone: (808) 768-7700
FAX: (808) 527-6895
Kauai County
Kauai Agency on Elderly Affairs
Pi’ikoi Building
4444 Rice Street, Suite 330
Lihue, Hawaii 96766
Phone: (808) 241-4470
FAX: (808) 241-5113
Email: elderlyaffairs@kauai.gov
Maui County
Maui County Office on Aging
95 Mahalani Street, Room 20
Wailuku, Hawaii 96793
Maui – (808) 270-7774
Molokai – (808) 553-5241
Lanai – (808) 565-7114
FAX: (808) 270-7935
Email: aging@mauicounty.gov
Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
Need Help With Medicare?
SMP Fraud Watch
Disability Resources
Hawai’i State Council on Developmental Disabilities (DD Council)
Hawai’i Disability Rights Center
Developmental Disabilities Division
University of Hawai’i Center on Disability Studies
Statewide Independent Living Council of Hawai’i
Special Parent Information Network (SPIN): Hawai’i
Disability and Communication Access Board (DCAB)
Assistive Technology Resource Center
EOA Annual Legislative Report